Discover our affiliate program

Our affiliate program provides a generous 20% commission with a 30-day tracking cookie duration.


Benefits of joining

Competitive commission at 20%. Opportunity to run exclusive partnerships. Paid every 30 days.

Exclusive gifts with a personal discount code to share with your friends, family & audience.

Invites to exclusive new product launches, product trials and community events.

Regular features on our socials and access to imagery, banners and text links.

Competitive commission at 20%. Opportunity to run exclusive partnerships. Paid every 30 days.

Exclusive gifts with a personal discount code to share with your friends, family & audience.

Invites to exclusive new product launches, product trials and community events.

Regular features on our socials and access to imagery, banners and text links.

Our community

The Tri-Balm is truly the one product I can't go anywhere without. It is still my favourite oil cleanser to use and I love using it as a thick sleeping masking to give me that hydrating glow in the morning.


Approval guidelines

Welcome to the Formulae Prescott Affiliate Program! We are excited you are interested in partnering with us. Our affiliate program invites creators or skincare lovers of all sizes to partner with Formulae Prescott to promote our award-winning products on social media, websites, blogs, and through word of mouth while earning a commission on every referral that leads to a sale.

We’ve teamed up with Grin for tracking technology, reporting and payment processing. Simply create your account and join our programme.

Join for our affiliate program now